Wawa World

" H e a d i n g T o T h e G r o u n d "

Mid Dlm Kenangan..

comey x ktorg?

R-Rosilawati S-Siti Nur.. =)

My rumetss..


2009.06.10 01:28 - Prison without bars...

Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station.....
Dormitory, hair salon, TV station....
No longer know what hobbies are..No longer know what rest is..
Where are all my friends?..
How you are supposed to play....
(My) family members are probably living well, right?..
At some point, losing something while gaining another has become increasingly natural....But because I received these other things..the things I'll have to throw away from now on will increase....
On rainy days like these..I have more thoughts..


2009.06.11 20:04

when i close my eyes..
just let the tears fall..


2009.06.13 06:01

Falling asleep after watching the sun rise..


2009.06.14 03:48

..What are you thinking about?.......
..Tomorrow will come tomorrow anyway..


2009.06.15 10:09

I thought I left Sunday at dawn...
But coming back to the dorm.. it's 9 `o clock on Monday..
Schedule....Become crazily packed~ *sigh..


2009.06.15 20:12

i want to smile..
just like that without any worries.. radiantly......
so that the little dimple dent on my left cheek will come back....
but even if my dimples wants to come back..
i really have no idea how to smile..


2009.06.16 14:33



2009.06.17 03:03

..There isn't much left of 3rd album activities....
I will continue to work harder.. ^^
..Staying up all night today too.. Leeteuk is staying up all night..
Please give me lots of strength....
Strength from the comments below here!!!!


2009.06.18 01:58

...Every time we do album activities we're so busy...we're busy....we're busy
we're busy.. that's what I thought....
but we are really busy....
I'm not tired though.. it's bearable....
I want to live like this..just like..just like a robot..



aku dah ala2 geum jandi yg dikelilingi jejaka2 bunga yg encem ni..
song woobin, seo yijung, gu junpyo, yun jihoo
f4 memories forever...

WinteR SonAta

sejuknye..snow turun dgn lbt, tpkse tompang bteduh bwh pokok toge nih..
(suhu semase : -4'c)

saranghae chingu ya!
bsame penguin2 ternakan org eskimo.
dorg xde kat uma time ni, tu posing tepi igloo dorg ^.^

genting yg sejuk...

Aku dlm bas genting-kl nih. ko pnye psl, aku bkk lptop tgh2 tgu bas td. ha, jmputla dtg uma kua nek motobot nt. tp longkang dpn uma aku sumbat. ko sggah dpn uma mcik aku jela, pastu jln sket g uma aku. hik3...

nnt aku smpai uma aku uplod gmba2 oliday aku yg baru yea. tgguuuu...........


aku x tdo ag nih. da dkt kol5.....

internet B.O.dhod.O

sengal btol la internet nih!! aku dtg gelang pth ngan bkoba2 ingat nk dlod byk2 sbb speed kat cni bese blh thn gak lajunyerr..

tp tah nape dengki kat aku plak 2 ari ni wat pasal. kalo slow tros tuh aku mmg x blh nk kate ape la. ni memule laju je..saje la tu nk tarik phatian aku. nnt aku da dlod vid beso2 mmule maintain laju. masuk 50% n above makin slow n slow n more slow smpai lasnye terbengkalai dlod aku.

wargh..grmnye!! kalo 1 2 dlod je jd cmtu xpe. ni da dekat seplo agaknye. da dlod byk2 stuck. yg sgkut kat 60, 70mb tu aku nk watpe?? pekasam?!

ni mlm ni plak aku dok tggu bile la intenet ni nak kaler biru (laju sket). dok kale ijo je mmnjang..ponat da eden tggu nih...mato pun da start nk bpino.

e'eh, tgk gmbo kat bwh2 ni ttibe terpikir, bile la turn aku agknye? haha..mesti la lame lg! yunho bz sgt la..aku plak setia menanti. nmpknye sume org len dlm gmbo tu kawen dulu la baru smpai turn aku. hik3........

dal bertunang!!

profesional andam..imported from zimbabwe n turkistan ^,^

highlight of the event..sarung cincin!! (nk ugek... =p)

6 dara pingitan ( san,c,wa,yah,lin,dal)

more engagement pics

romantika ari minggu...

control ayu ngan sirih junjung

BFF wa n dal

BFF c n dal

BFF san n dal


it's snorkling time!! terer aku... xsgka larat jgk safety jacket tu mengapungkan aku atas air. bessstttt....nmpk ikan tomey2 mcm2 kaler. ade besa, kecik, bintik2, jalur2, colourful pun ade! kalo dpt tgkp masuk aquarium mmg cantik ah. tp pastu aku plak kene tgkp sbb bwk blk ikan secara illegal. hahaha...!!

amek gmbo kat sini as a proof aku gi sane. tu ade tulis kat atas nu... tu yg pntg tu. tp gmbo kat gate je, mls nk melawat kat dlm..xtau la ade ape... ni gmbo pas pnt bjln almost 2km dr air batang ke marine park. pnt siot! melecet kaki aku =(

on the way nk gi tekek, pntang nmpk ade lokasi cun blh amek gmbo msti sggah! kunun2 nak gi soping souvenier kat sane tp mhl sgt ler..bese2 je plak tu. x lawo pun. bazir je..bek buat sndr. eh..pndai ke nk buat?? hentam saja la...

buai laju2...smpai pulau jeju...... ape dlm baju.... ade bdk2 suju... kwang3....! merapik jer..hrp xde phk2 yg tsinggung ngan lgu aku yg bestes tu. hik3... =)

lihatlah dunia! betapa cunnya view dr balkoni bamboo hill chalet ni. air surut time ni, tghari bute... (pssst...kat sblh blk ktorg ade couple mat salih, tgh hanimun kot ^,^)

pose di kampung air batang dgn speed bot. tu water taxi tu, mhl bebeno. x smpai 2km rm25..bek jln kaki laaaa... blh bako kalori skali..hihi..

"what will be, will be..no one can stop it. no point to keep worry, its all have been decided..up above there.
its juz the matter how we pursue the different ways to the destination..."

"everything happen with reasons.
if we can't see it now, we will sure can see it later someday.."

always keep the faith!
dbsk gif Pictures, Images and Photos

my hunny bunny..

my hunny bunny..

My Bloggie...

this blog is juz for suke2...
if i got time and have something to share i will update..
if not..haha..juz wait n c la ^^