Wawa World

" H e a d i n g T o T h e G r o u n d "

my treasure...

see this?
my beloved collections
still got some at home and some have not reach my hand yet.
i wonder how much money i've spend for all this.
aigoo..wawa...don't cha love ur money?
of course..yes.
but i love dbsk more than money worth in this world,
they are PRICELESS!! ^^


fana September 6, 2009 at 8:01 AM  

ni chuneyla yg komen tau...mntk kna pnye gmail...
kwa pnye treasure da slmt da...runtuh...pastu kne tip ngan angin...trpkse ucap slmt tggl...HAHAHAHAHA

"what will be, will be..no one can stop it. no point to keep worry, its all have been decided..up above there.
its juz the matter how we pursue the different ways to the destination..."

"everything happen with reasons.
if we can't see it now, we will sure can see it later someday.."

always keep the faith!
dbsk gif Pictures, Images and Photos

my hunny bunny..

my hunny bunny..

My Bloggie...

this blog is juz for suke2...
if i got time and have something to share i will update..
if not..haha..juz wait n c la ^^