Wawa World

" H e a d i n g T o T h e G r o u n d "

dal bertunang!!

profesional andam..imported from zimbabwe n turkistan ^,^

highlight of the event..sarung cincin!! (nk ugek... =p)

6 dara pingitan ( san,c,wa,yah,lin,dal)


\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 10, 2009 at 11:07 PM  

heh budak kecik,(hi..sendiri terasa plak =p)
bile nak email gambO2 DEYLA TUNANG!!
ak mak andam merangkap photographer,tp takdo sekeping pun gambo..

wawa June 11, 2009 at 9:28 AM  

ala..ko save jela gmbo yg aku da upload ni.... aku kan bz.xsmpt nk emel kat ko

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 11, 2009 at 8:50 PM  

alo! ni bape keping je ade..!
aku nak sume gak!
yang senget,kabur,goyang pn nk~ =p

wawa June 12, 2009 at 1:40 PM  

aku bz......
nnt ko blk dtg ambik direct jela kat aku. komp sloe la nk anta satu 1

ecLipsE June 13, 2009 at 11:21 PM  

aku nk jgk!!
awat xde gmbo aku nih??
hahaa =p

weh, tng dal tu org mne?
die x dtg eh mse tng 2?
(kdg2 kn laki dtg gk..huhuhu)

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 14, 2009 at 11:21 PM  

oh okeh jgk,aku blk tiswik.
tp maybe aku tak bawak polan..cz ak igt nk tumpang mokteh aku je.
tgk lah camne,aku dtg nek motobot gi umah ko eh.

wawa June 15, 2009 at 2:38 AM  

tng dal ade dtg gak. tp ktorg tgk dr jauh jer. nk slumber2 gi amek gmbo dpn idong die, segan plak...

gmbo ko nnt aku potoshop kan ltk kat atas dulang hantaran tu eh?huhu...

ecLipsE June 16, 2009 at 5:25 AM  

bru nk tgk sket tng dal..
ade gmbo die kt tmpt laen x?

gmbo aku kt dulg hntrn?
huh.. sah diorg frame dulg tuh..

wawa June 18, 2009 at 8:41 AM  

wei, suna. aku x tau la nk ltk gmbo ko yg mane kat cni. da lame x gmbo ngan ko. last mase raye la kot. tu pun aku x sure mane p gmbonye..
bese la, aku kan suke smpn brg bwh kuali, tgk2 da ilang =p

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 18, 2009 at 5:52 PM  

kat aku banyak wa!
esok aku balik bagi ko,,tungGUuu~

eh...tapi banyak kat album r...camne nk masuk kan sini,tampal jela kat skrin..=p

ecLipsE June 19, 2009 at 2:06 AM  

tu gmba lme la..
mntk la kt aku gmba bru2..
de pn ade byk gmbo bru aku drp korg..
jgn nk blsh aku plak..
korg x pnah mntk pn..
(aku pn x pnah mntk gmbo korg! hehe)

wawa June 19, 2009 at 8:48 AM  

ish..plek la plak kalo mtk gmbo ko ttibe.
timbul plak gusip2 liar nt =p

ecLipsE June 20, 2009 at 11:40 PM  

gusip2 liar??
bnyinye mnarek..
cptla mntk wa! =p

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 21, 2009 at 5:40 PM  

wa,,kite tak yah lah mintak kat us gambar dia.
kite mintak kat DE je tros!
hahaha,lebih menarik dan liar gusip2 nya nanti. >=p

wawa June 21, 2009 at 9:54 PM  

cpt us, bg ktorg gmbo de..kalo x.. >;)

tp jap2..dahtu aku nk tls ape kat bwh gmba de tu?
'ini de'...gtu je? em....

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 22, 2009 at 12:01 AM  

aish...dak sepah ni slh phm plak dah.
aku maksudkan disini ialah: kite mintak gambo usenah kat de,bkn nya nye kite gi mntk gmbo de!

ape pun kesalah pahaman ko mencetuskan idea yang lebih bernas untuk mencetuskan gusip liar.bagus2~

"what will be, will be..no one can stop it. no point to keep worry, its all have been decided..up above there.
its juz the matter how we pursue the different ways to the destination..."

"everything happen with reasons.
if we can't see it now, we will sure can see it later someday.."

always keep the faith!
dbsk gif Pictures, Images and Photos

my hunny bunny..

my hunny bunny..

My Bloggie...

this blog is juz for suke2...
if i got time and have something to share i will update..
if not..haha..juz wait n c la ^^