Wawa World

" H e a d i n g T o T h e G r o u n d "

My BFF..

name budak ini seriyana hamzah. org2 pggil die 'c'. umo die...'tut'! haha..agak2 la. rase cam bdk drjh 4 je ek? hik3...
aku pon x tau nk tls ape psl die ni. die ni bespren aku dr sek men. form 1 lg da bknln tp teman tp x bape nk mesra la.
form 2 kitorg 6org wat company sndr 'GILA HOLDING' yg merapatkan lg silaturrahim ant kami sume.
form4 barula kmi blh dkatakan mmg rpt gile2 babun la... n smpaila skang ni ktorg same2 stadi kat uia yg x best tuh. keh3...


\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ May 19, 2009 at 12:52 AM  

gambo tak cun!
tergamak ko wa letak gambo aku bersama bantal yg tak brape bucuk tu kat sini!
nanti if jay chou kesayangan aku nampak jatuh lah reputasi aku! ..@...(+o+)...@..

hehe..luv u wa~ \(^__________^)v

ecLipsE May 24, 2009 at 9:30 PM  

blog psl aku plak mane??
x puah ati sguh nih..
ni yg xnk jmput ko time aku kawen nih...
wekkk >=P

(amaran : dilarang ltk gmbo aku lbeh2 lg yg x cun.. huhu =P)

wawa June 8, 2009 at 9:46 AM  

wah3..nk ugek masuk! tp siap bg amaran ag. ni blog sape ni sbnanye? suke ati aku r kan nk ltk gmbo ke x. nnt aku punggah sume gmbo2 klasik, gmbo ko yg terpaling cun aku uplod kat cni nt. tggu...........

\(^_______^)/ SeRIyaNa~ June 8, 2009 at 7:14 PM  
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"what will be, will be..no one can stop it. no point to keep worry, its all have been decided..up above there.
its juz the matter how we pursue the different ways to the destination..."

"everything happen with reasons.
if we can't see it now, we will sure can see it later someday.."

always keep the faith!
dbsk gif Pictures, Images and Photos

my hunny bunny..

my hunny bunny..

My Bloggie...

this blog is juz for suke2...
if i got time and have something to share i will update..
if not..haha..juz wait n c la ^^